LearnMatch recieved the Comenius Award! The jury of the European Comenius EduMedia Competition 2020 has once again awarded our language learning app with a Comenius EduMedia Seal. This time in the category ‘Mother and Foreign Language Education’.
Education in times of Corona
In 2020, 183 manufacturers, publishers, projects and authors from 14 European countries from Iceland to Cyprus had their digital educational products subjected to rigorous quality checks. Digital educational media are judged primarily on their technical and didactic qualities. A distinction is made within digital educational media in terms of Didactic Multimedia Products, General Multimedia Products, Teaching and Learning Management Systems and Computer Games with Competence-promoting Potential.
It has been a highlight of our year to participate in the award ceremony at the Chameleon Theatre during this year of Comenius EduMedia’s 25th anniversary. The ceremony has been presented via video livestream from Berlin. This enabled participants to follow the announcement of the seal of approval and the presentation of the Comenius EduMedals live and in colour. This year, Corona Special Prizes were also awarded in recognition of the special work done by many organisations to adapt swiftly to changing times.
What is the Comenius EduMedia Award?
The Comenius EduMedia Award was founded in memory of the pedagogue Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1670). Comenius is recognised worldwide as a pioneer of popular and child-oriented education, His key focus was the systematic use of images and vividness for didactic purposes.
The Comenius EduMedia Award honours innovation and excellence within the field of digital educational media. The Society for Pedagogy, Information and Media (GPI) honours outstanding digital educational media within the field of work, education, school, culture and leisure. The awards are presented across four categories on the basis of the quality criteria of GPI’s IB&M.
We are already looking forward to the 26th award ceremony in 2021 and are confident that all participants will be in good health to celebrate their successes together.
LearnMatch recieved the Comenius Award: https://comenius-award.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Comenius-Award-2020-Pressemitteilung-24-09-2020-final.pdf